From the Wikipedia: "Scandinavia[a] is a historical and cultural-linguistic region in Northern Europe characterized by a common ethno-cultural Germanic heritage and related languages, which includes the three kingdoms of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden."

Overnight Cruise from Copenhagen to Oslo

It's the first time I take a cruise! (yup, I've not gone for any cruise trip while in Singapore, though it seems to be one of the common getaway here).

This is the boarding ticket that doubles up as the door 'key'.

Indeed, the check-in luggage from the group is very neatly organised and stored while on board.

This is the cruise ship that we took, to sail from Copenhagen to Oslo. The entire trip took less than 24 hours - from 4.30 pm to 9.45 am the next day.

This is how the cabin looked like. Well, it's not as 'miserably small' as I had thought of :)

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